Your WFH Carbon Footprint
This project aims to provide individuals to calculate their carbon footprint when working from home and compare it to their commute.
Currently, it is set for Irish residents only. In time, more locations will be added, the scope will be increased to include devices and service providers, and public transportation options will be added.
At present, the calculator factors in:
Your Work Week
Energy Usage
Work From Home Calculator Scope
Expanding upon the Eco Act 2020 approach, the following artefact includes:
• Direct fuel consumption (e.g. for heating)
• Electricity consumption
At present, it is only calculates figures for Irish residents.
Understanding the Calculator
- Orange cells are for users to enter their own data.
- Grey cells show the calculation outputs.
- Yellow cells show fixed data.
- Green cells are outputs in CO2e.
Reasonable limits have been set for orange cells so you can’t, for example, claim to work an 8 day week!
Conversion factors can be found on the second tab. Assumptions in calculation on the third tab.
This spreadsheet can be downloaded. See bottom-right of window.